GDPR / Privacy Workshop

Still struggling with GDPR? Concerned about the California Consumer Privacy Act? Uncertain about the impact of the invalidation of the Privacy Shield? Daymark’s GDPR / Privacy Workshop provides an experienced privacy and information governance attorney to jumpstart your customized compliance blueprint.

About The Workshop


Gain insights about your critical data privacy risks and develop a best practices blueprint to achieve compliance

The Daymark GDPR / Privacy Workshop is a full-day online workshop. Privacy and information governance attorney Steven J. O’Neill will conduct a completely confidential top-level assessment of GDPR and privacy risks and create a customized blueprint to jumpstart compliance efforts. O’Neill has over 28 years of experience in technology law and privacy.


Morning Session
Meetings with key stakeholders from IT, HR, C-Level, and business units to survey privacy threats and assess compliance levels of existing systems, covering:
Location and format of personally identifiable information (PII), assessment of systems architecture for Privacy by Design, review of existing privacy and information security programs
Lunch & Learn
GDPR / PRIVACY 101 – Presentation of a practical legal primer focused on the risks presented by new privacy regulations
Why GDPR is different? What is Privacy by Design? Does GDPR apply to U.S. businesses? Is "good faith" compliance enough?
Afternoon Session
Guided workshop to address identified risks and create an initial compliance blueprint based on best practices
Identification of internal privacy team, moderated discussion and breakout groups, strategies for automated data mapping, strategies for architecting Privacy by Design
Next Steps
GDPR / Privacy jumpstart blueprint & next steps document

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