Daymark Financial Services Solutions

Financial Services

“How do we stay ahead of our competition?” That’s a question we get asked a lot.

In the highly competitive and regulated financial services industry, data integrity is worth as much as the currency you work with. Your customers have entrusted you with their most sensitive financial information and the regulatory agencies demand that you’re in compliance or risk fines, litigation, and damage to your reputation.

We understand the kind of pressure you’re under. We have successfully completed more than 800 complex IT projects for leading financial services institutions, implementing a wide range of solutions for secure, reliable, and scalable environments.

We’ll work side-by-side with you, lead your most critical IT initiatives and advise you on the numerous reporting, privacy, and regulatory requirements. We’re battle-tested and comfortable delivering at the highest level.

We Can Help You:

  • Ensure compliance with GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, Graham-Leach-Bliley, SEC Rule 17a, PCI, and other regulatory mandates
  • Prepare for increased scrutiny from FINRA and the SEC
  • Scale intelligently, while keeping an eye on costs
  • Leverage existing storage assets more efficiently
  • Ensure critical business data is encrypted, backed up, and recoverable
  • Leverage automation to improve productivity and reduce audit vulnerabilities
  • Consolidate server and storage resources to reduce capital expenditures
  • Optimize performance at the right cost

Our vendor-neutral approach, combined with our real-world deployments enable us to solve your complex IT problems, ensure compliance, and give you that competitive edge.

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